28 October 2012

Autumn Walk ( ♥ - ♥ ) Photo Heavy!

I had been feeling depressed recently, so, during a lovely Monday afternoon, I went for a 3hr stroll, I kept gazing at the lovely autumn leaves, and peaceful churches that I hadn't ever visited. 
The pavements weren't crowded with people, thank goodness! 
Peacefully walking alone, photographing nature made me so relaxed! 

I also took my Victorian parasol with me, all of them, just made my day! (>^-^<_)

The leaves turning auburn-red, the sun passing through them, it was so breathtaking!!
The houses were very Victorian at this street. The churches were cute!
In the end, I did collect lovely autumn leaves to press under books!
Also saw cute lamp-posts and a cute squirrel near a tree!
Autumn is my favourite season! But I dislike how cold it gets (--__-- )
Thanks for reading 
Yen ♥ 

20 October 2012

Mori Girl & Pastel Trend Japan

I have been loving pastels, and neutral colours: ivory, dusty pinks recently, and I love how Jp girls pair their outfits, they all look very cute! Here are some trends:
 Nashare Rakuten



Credits Nashare, FavouriteOne Rakuten

Credits: Tokyo Fashion

DreamV Rakuten
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