TODAY: I did a Livestream chat with "Ashley Leggat" from "Life With Derek", she answered many of my questions, shes so sweet,
3:00 PM EST @ Livestream via facebook.
Luckily, I got to chat with her, mostly, the actresses/actors I like chat when I don't know that they're chatting, later on I find out, which really sucks, so this is my first chat with my favourite actress. the first Family Cha

I felt like an interviewer, haha silly me!
I told her that I had written questions half an hour before she arrived to chat

She told everyone that that was a good idea
1- I asked her about how many times she auditioned & got rejected
she told me that actors get rejected many times and you should not let go, keep trying. Rejection happens
2- I asked her if she had watched Anne Of Green Gables.
she said yes, and a matter of fact, she also did a play on it, and she was about to meet her character mom-the actress who played her mom

3- I asked her if she had watched "SPLICE" yet?
she said that she had.
4- I asked he if she had ever been to Prince Edward Island.
and she said that she had been there, that it was related to the play she did(AOGG)
5-I asked her if she believed in 2012
she said that she didnt know, and that she doesn't believe in that sort of things.

she said spending time with family, and being involved in activities such as preventing animal abuse.

7- I asked her about her role model?
she said that it was her mum, she was the one who helped her become an actress, without her she wouldn't have been.
8- I asked her about her favourite shopping places
she said Target, and that Canada has no Target =( Forever 21 and many random places, she loves shopping, like to shop in variety.

9-I asked her if she watched anime
she said that she hadn't never got into it
10- I asked her about 1 thing that she would change in the world
she said that she would like to change many things such as war, world hunger, etc.
11- I asked her when she knew that she wanted to be an actress.
She said that she was a dancer from a very young age, and she knew at a very young age that she wanted to be an actress.

12- I asked her that if she were in Pirates Of the Carribbean, what part would she like to play as
she said that she had no idea.
13- I asked her about her fav. animated movies,
she said that her favourites were Charolette's Web

14- I asked her what course would she study at University, other than Drama.
she said that she is taking some courses in physcology, which is good because she's an actress, and actors have to know hoe minds work hahah.
15- I asked her if she had any hidden talendts, eg: writing with toes.
she started to laugh loudly at that! haha and said that she can't write with her toes, but she can pick up things with her toes, and that she can make shapes with her tongue.
16-I asked her about what her favourite actors/actresses are.
she said Reese Witherspoon and her fiance Johnny Depp, and she has many more.....
one guy thought she was engaged, she laughed and said no...it was a joke.
17- I asked her about her favourite childhood memory
the only thing I remember that she said was having fun with her siblings.
18- I asked her about her worst school momen.
she told me that once she came back from doing a play, and her friends/classmates were being mean to her, ignoring her.
19-I asked her how she felt during her first on camera/tv shot.
she said that she vividly remembers her 1st on camera moment: she felt nervous, her body was shaking, her cheeks went red.
20.-I asked her about her biggest fear.
She said that funnily, it was the fear of people, and that she is shy, which she thinks is funny because she says shes an actress
I hope that she Live streams soon
Love You Ashley

Thanks for answering my questions, can't wait for your movies!!!!
Have a Great Year (>-< )
Love, Yen